Day 17 California cruising

We had a late start this morning at 9:40. We had an amazing breakfast with an egg and sausage burrito, potatoes and a yogurt. Then Papa Smurf drove us back to the trail intersection. We had left for 5 minutes when Papa received a phone call from his son asking him to come back because his puddle dog was bleeding a lot. So what happen his that his caniche dog was biting a bone and his son wanted to take it off as it was a bad bone. Peach, the puddle was angry and trying to bite the son. The thing is that his son had a bigger dog, 3 times the size of Peach. So the big dog bit back Peach in order to defend his owner. There was blood all over the porch but it wasn’t a big bite thankfully and the bleeding stopped. So an hour later after taking care of poor little Peach, Papa Smurf drove us back. We helped him fill up the hiker cache with water bottle and pepsi can. He also said a prayer for us so we have a safe trail.
Then it went all smooth, cruising in the trail. We did 19 miles without even suffering. We had beautiful views over big bear lake and the mountains behind. The last 5 miles were in a totally burnt area with dry hills on the horizon and only burnt dead trees.
We camped in the only area where a few pine trees had survived. We ate dinner with Slow Bro and his friends Cathy and Bob, share stories. I also tried Cathy’s hammock and it’s very comfortable.

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2 responses to “Day 17 California cruising”

  1. supersupermetrope says :

    C’est vrai que vu d’ici votre trek paraît assez facile et moins dur que la NZ.
    Bon pour se mettre en jambe c’est bien mieux et toute la route ne va sans doute pas être ainsi.
    Et vos hôtes d’un jour ont l’air bien sympathique mais vous restaurent un peu trop à mon goût.
    Bises et @bientôt

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